Dr. Wesley MUHAMMADS Online Book Store


Egyptian Sacred Science and Islam:
A Reappraisal
The claim that Islam derives from the Ma'at of Kemet (Ancient Egypt) is unsupported by evidence.
Instead, similarities between Ma'at and (proto-) Islam suggest they are cognate traditions from related African peoples on opposite sides of the Red Sea, likely originating near the Nile cataracts. Islam, as expressed by Prophet Muhammad and early Muslims, reflects an ancient African spiritual system, just as Ma'at and other ancient systems like those of Mesopotamia and India do.
These traditions are branches of a common spiritual heritage, with both the Qur'an and the Pyramid Texts serving as important scriptures in the broader context of African spiritual consciousness.

Of THE RELIGION OF ISLAM: Mecca and the Ancient Cult of the Black God

Ancient Arabian religion and early Islam recognized the Black Man as God through the Kaʿba in Mecca, symbolizing Adam as Aḷḷāh’s first vicegerent on Earth.
Adam, referred to as insān (meaning "man" and "pupil"), represents Aḷḷāh's vision.
The Qur’ān describes Aḷḷāh creating Adam from black mud and infusing him with Divine Breath, with angels commanded to prostrate to him.
The connection to the black pupil of the eye parallels the physical attributes of The Original Man.

Black Arabia & the African Origin of Islam

Is Islam a Religion of the Black Man, as suggested by Elijah Muhammad? Or is it a slave religion originated by white Arabs and imposed on Black People?
Finally, this question is addressed with scholarship rather than with rhetoric.
Internationally known scholar of Islam Dr. Wesley Muhammad brings together in this body of work is a tremendous amount of scholarship and demonstrates that: Ancient Black Arabia, which is the matrix of Islam, is a root of civilization and an integral component of the Global African Civilization paradigm.


We show in this book that it is not by accident that “Rap has become a pretty dangerous profession” today; it is by design.
Hip Hop is like a beautiful Black Stallion, and whoever is saddled atop it and holds its reins in their hands can help determine the fate of Black America.
That Black Stallion – Hip Hop - can lead Black People towards Redemption, or it can lead us toward degradation and doom.
Whose riding Hip Hop today and to what effect? We answer these questions and more in this book.


The Anunnuaki were a group of gods that we encounter in ancient Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Akkadian) texts. They are very popular in certain ufological circles today, but much of the popular discussion about them is misguided.
No one should ever be misguided again about The Aunnuaki after reading this book written by Wesley Muhammad PH.D.
Now Available

The last, best kept secret of the UFO Phenomenon is the Asiatic Blackness of the UFO occupants. Ufology - the study of the UFO phenomenon – is a quietly but demonstrably racist field of study; it goes out of its way to obscure the black reality behind the phenomenon.
Ufologists accuse the government of a cover-up, and they are correct.
However, both the government and the ufologists are party to the cover-up of the Black Pilots of these craft.
READ AND LEARN More about this from This book, written by Wesley Muhammad Ph.D

Now Available

Regicide: Analyzing The Assassinations of Two Kings
The world lost both Bob Marley, the King of Reggae, and Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, under questionable circumstances, to say the least.
This definitive work puts the pieces together in a convincing way, demonstrating that there is much more to the story of the deaths of both cultural icons.
This Book Written by Wesley Muhammad Ph.D. is a highly recommended resource for anyone who desires to know THE INVINCIBLE TRUTH without any doubt
Now Available

Excerpt from, The Real Judas Factor: Unraveling The Mystery of the Murder of Malcolm X
The evidence is strong that the assassination apparatus, America’s Murder Inc., that killed the President of the United States also unsheathed the deadly Ghurka scimitar against Malcolm X. Those who really want to know the truth about this should begin with reading this excerpt written by Wesley Muhammad Ph.D.

Marijuana, Hip Hop and the Scientific Assault on Black America
The Black man loves his weed. Few potheads, however, are aware of the fact that marijuana was covertly weaponized against Black people.
Cannabis was one of the earliest drugs investigated by the Central Intelligence Agency as part of its Project MK-ULTRA (1953-1973) which sought to "gain control over human behavior through the covert use of chemical and biological materials." Black people were the frequent targets and guinea pigs for this project.
Now Available

Understanding the Assault on the Black Man, Black Manhood and Black Masculinity
By now, we all know that America is hostile towards Black men. But that is precisely the problem. Too much familiarity breeds disrespect. We have become so familiar with the fact of the American assault on the Black male that we don't respect that fact like we should.
Perhaps by taking a moment to read this book written by Wesley Muhammad Ph.D. Many may gain a clear view of the problems we must solve together.
Now Available

“We are asking you to help us enlarge our educational system so that our people can be educated.”
Those are the exact words from The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad as written in his book Message to The Black Man in American - ECONOMIC PROGRAM CHAPTER 82 -TO HELP FIGHT AGAINST POVERTY AND WANT! AND THEY STAND TRUE
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