Books Student Brother Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad
by Student Brother Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad
This is the story of the Weaponizations of Weed, the Weaponizations of Hip Hop, and the Scientific Assault on Black America.

Understanding the Assault on the Black Man, Black Manhood and Black Masculinity
by Student Brother Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad
In this book, you will discover how the inner-city “Thug” and the Black “Sissy” were both scientifically produced. The esoteric and theological background of White Supremacy’s Assault on the Black Man.
The deeper truth behind the "Autism Conspiracy" against Black boys. How the CIA manipulated marijuana and created crack cocaine in order to create Black Zombies in the inner cities. And much, much more. Please allow two weeks for delivery.

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Excerpt from, The Real Judas Factor: Unraveling The Mystery of the Murder of Malcolm X
by Student Brother Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad
After 57 years, the burden of the false claim of culpability in the Assassination of Malcolm X has now been lifted from the
shoulders of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Honorable Minister Farrakhan, and the Nation of Islam. If you really want to know the TRUTH about this... Download this PDF NOW!

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Master Fard Muhammad: Who Is He? Who Is He Not?
by Student Brother Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad
This Book is an Extract from Dr. Wesley Muhammad’s work he shared, in his book entitled, The Book of God, New Revised Edition: An Encyclopedia of Proof that the Black Man is God. Topics include:
A Stranger in Detroit, The Twenty-Four Scientists, Early History of Master Fard Muhammad, The FBI, W.D. Fard, and Wallace Dodd Ford, FBI Docs Prove Hoax, The Messianic Secret, Master Fard Muhammad: The Perfect Son. This is a must-read.

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The Truth of God: The Bible, The Quran and Point Number 12
by Student Brother Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad
In this multilingual literacy, Dr. Wesley Muhammad answers the question, 'Who is God?' from the scriptural perspective with a depth not seen in many other writings. Dr. Wesley Muhammad has also drawn extensively from the religious texts, in translation, of the ancient Near East and India. And with these primary and secondary sources, he has been able to demonstrate: (1) According to a widespread ancient Near and Far Eastern tradition, the evidenced in Egyptian, Sumerian/Babylonian, and India sources, God the creator was a black god, with a black body.

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The Book of God: An Encyclopedia of Proof that the Black Man is God
by Student Brother Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad
The Book of God answers such questions as: How is the Black Man-God, and what does this mean? What is God's relationship to spirit and matter? What does Albert Einstein's mathematical revelation E=mc2 have to do with the Reality of God?
If the Original Black Man is God, Who is the Original Black Woman? Is there evidence of the reality of the Twenty Four Scientists? Who is Master Fard Muhammad? Was he actually an ex-con named Wallie Ford who served time in San Quentin on a drug charge? And more. The Book of God also demonstrates that: The God of the ancient religious traditions around the world was a self-created Black God.

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Take Another Look: The Quran, the Sunnah and the Islam of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad
by Student Brother Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad
This work by Dr. Wesley Muhammad puts the most controversial aspect of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's teachings about God being a man in the context of the Classical Arabic/Islamic Tradition.
He demonstrates that the original Arabic context of the Quran and the Sunnah, as well as the Arabic Sunni orthodoxy that first came together in the 8th-9th centuries, and how was markedly different from the de-Arabized orthodoxy that developed later and which now dominates all discussion of God in Islam in the correct manner.

The Religion of the Black God: Indic Sacred Science & Islam
by Student Brother Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad
Did you know that Adam came down to India and the Black Stone and a handful of leaves from Paradise came down with him? Did you know he scattered them in India, and a perfumed tree grew, which is the origin of what comes from India as perfume from the handful of leaves that Adam brought down?...
There is a popular Islamic tradition according to which Adam the first man-made from black mud after he transgressed in the Garden of Eden, was kicked out and sent down to earth. His first home on earth was in India. India! Why India? Being that the Garden was directly above the earthly Mecca, it can be considered a Heavenly Mecca. This means that (the aboriginal) Adam's fall, involved a journey from a celestial Mecca to India. He fell just as the sun was setting, and landed on the lofty peak of Mount Buddha.
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The Pastor Gino Jennings Controversy First published raw online, these debates have been edited for easier reading and supplemented with commentary in order to increase their didactic value.
The debates are also preceded by a detailed discussion of the reality of God according to the scriptures (Bible, Qur an, and Sunnah) in their original languages (Hebrew and Arabic).
Who is God?: The God Debates
by Student Brother Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad
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A collection of distinct essays written since the publication of Black Arabia, Bilad al-Sudan offers: Further evidence that the Arabs of the first Muslim community of 7th century Arabia were an Africoid people.
A correction to the common, mistaken belief that the pre-Islamic Arabs were white and racist, as seen by their alleged treatment of Bilal, the Ethiopian Companion of the Prophet Muhammad.
Dr. Wesley Muhammad successfully debates fellow Islamic scholars about the concept of Allah in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad—the foundation of the Islamic teachings in the Nation of Islam.
This book is the appendix of another book titled "Take Another Look: The Quran, the Sunnah and the Islam of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad."
In Paul Guthrie's YouTube video series entitled “Get on the Wheel,” he tries to prove that Master Fard Muhammad was not an Arabian Muslim but instead was an Indian Buddhist.
This book argues that Mr. Guthrie's presentation is based on a lack of knowledge of Islam as a historical tradition, a shallow understanding of Buddhism, and a demonstrable misrepresentation of Supreme Wisdom.