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My Assessment of The Pentagon’s NEW UFO Report: It Told...the Truth Wesley Muhammad, Ph.D.

The Pentagon released its report on UFOs/UAPs and the claims of recovered and reverse-engineered extraterrestrial spacecraft. This Report has the UFO community “bitterly angry” and screaming at the top of its lungs “LIES! COVER-UP!”

I have read the full 63-pagee report and have closely scrutinized it. I find the Report TRUTHFUL. I could detect no obvious lies in it. I also found the Report very DECEPTIVE. It is a very mischief making report – it speaks truth but in a very deceitful manner. The Report skillfully uses truth to deceive and confuse the public, yet it never actually lied in the process. This is standard operating procedure for the US Government (USG).

The Report’s main conclusions are:

“AARO found no evidence that any USG investigation, academic-sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that any sighting of a UAP represented extraterrestrial technology. All investigative efforts, at all levels of classification, concluded that MOST sightings were ordinary objects and phenomena and the result of misidentification....AARO found no empirical evidence for claims that the USG and private companies have been reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology....AARO found no empirical evidence that any UAP investigatory effort since 1945...has ever uncovered verifiable information regarding the recovery or existence of extraterrestrial BEINGS or CRAFTS.”

No lies detected here. My new book “Chariots of the Black Gods: The UFO Reality and the Alien Hoax” ( details how the Extraterrestrial Narrative of the UFO Phenomenon was developed and exploited by the USG as a disinformation tool to deceive and confuse the public regarding the truth of these advanced craft and the civilization that is responsible for them. The USG discovered this truth in 1942. This is why this AARO Report begins its investigation in 1945, avoiding having to say anything about what it discovered in 1942: that the UFOs originate from a crypto-terrestrial civilization of Asiatic Black people.

The term/concept “extraterrestrial” is used in this Report as a red herring and a straw man.

In this Report, what is explicitly said is important, and what is deliberately and transparently left UNSAID is equally important.

The Report denied that the USG possessed “off-world spacecraft and extraterrestrial biological material,” but it did not deny possessing “advanced aerospace technology and biological samples.” This language distinction is CRITICAL.

Likewise, the Report mentions but carefully AVOIDS denying the possibility of “UAP reverse-engineering programs.” The Report only denies that any such programs are “related to extraterrestrial technology exploitation.”

My Positive Takeaways from the AARO Report therefore are:

• The majority of UAP sightings represent misidentified ordinary phenomena or secret US technology

• There is a small portion of UAP incidents that are genuinely anomalous and potentially threatening to U.S. national security

• There is no evidence that genuine UAPs represent off-world, alien or extraterrestrial phenomena

• The Report mentions but very carefully avoids denying the possibility of USG possession of “UAP technologies,” “UAP crash materials,” and UAP-related “biological material.” The USG is in possession of the Roswell bodies, but these do not constitute “non-human biologics,” the language used by David Grusch. They are paradigmatically human.

• The Report mentions “UAP exploitation” programs, it only insists that “none of these programs have been involved with capturing, recovering, or reverse-engineering OFF-WORLD technology or material.”

• In other words, the UFO/UAP Phenomenon is real. It is the Extraterrestrial narrative that is bogus.

• And this is why AARO began its investigation with the arbitrary date of 1945. This allowed them to avoid even hinting at what the USG found out in 1942.

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